Wind Damage in Midway, Texas

Wind damage to Midway roofs can be stressful and costly. We know that there are a number of ways that your roof can be damaged, requiring roofing in Midway, Texas. Storms can be a major cause of damaged roofs. Maybe there wasn't any hail, or broken trees falling onto your roof, but somehow you're still experiencing leaks.

Did you know that high winds could also cause major damage to your roof? After years of your roof taking a beating from wind loads, your roof can become weak and can be the cause for other higher-cost damages.


Call for a FREE Quote

(936) 220-2922


We Work With Insurance on Midway Roofing Claims

We will work with your insurance to help process claims for your wind-damaged roof. Trinity Roofing & Construction understands what is at stake when you have a roof that is not functioning properly. Working quickly to replace the roof is our number one priority so that you can feel at ease!


Wind Damage Roofing Services

We have been handling Midway roofing since 1988, so we know what our customers need. We will provide you with a 30-year protection plan.

We can ensure you are getting the most bang for your buck when we complete your roofing needs. Our 30-year protection plan gives you the comfort you need for the next storm that comes through. Give us a call to find out what our protection plan includes!

Call for FREE Wind Damage Quote

(936) 220-2922

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